Mode-Métiers de la mode et du textile
Méthodologie du mémoire et délivrables.
I. Objectives
The main objective of the course is to give to the participants a helicopter view of what managing a company in a global environment means nowadays. Today’s business world is ever more turbulent. It requires new types of behaviors, competitive strategies and measures of performance.
The method intertwines “Learning by doing sessions” (Group Work), where participants have to put into practice their marketing and management skills, “Debriefing sessions” where the results of the different groups will be analysed and compared. The main objective of the module, through these back-and-forth exchanges between action and knowledge, is to help the participants adopt a helicopter view of marketing, and to put into practice what they have learned.
2. The business simulation in a luxury and digital world
Your company is producing and selling high quality sport shoes, running shoes, sneakers. You have just been nominated to the Executive committee of your firm, located either in Asia, Europe or North Americ. Your company is producing and selling high quality sport shoes, running shoes, sneakers.
Your challenge is quite clear:
• You should define a strategy for the company to grow profitably and transform the family business into a marketing and financial blockbuster.
• The firm’s owners are very proud of the company they have developed overtime. The mission they now give you is quite clear: You are expected to develop this company, i.e. to increase its value AND, at the same time keep satisfying your customers. Not the easiest task.