Licence Lettres - Double licence Droit - Lettres
This course will chart the Western art historical avant garde, as a means to deepening students' command of the English language, particularly as it relates to the vernacular of art and arts writing.

Course Times: Wednesdays 5-7:30PM

Instructor: Emily Cadotte, PhD Candidate in Art History & Visual Culture, lectrice



Course Requirements:

A B2/C1 level of written and spoken English OR A strong willingness to learn… some knowledge of art history also helpful


Course Objectives:

✦ Students will learn and apply new English vocabulary relating to the study of visual culture and art

✦ Students will develop skills for the contextual and visual analysis of artworks and images

✦ Students will gain introductory academic research and writing skills in English

✦ Students will enhance their command of the English language, especially written