Tuesdays from 1 to 5 p.m.
B. 105, EGGER
November 8: Foresight day : seminar and participatory workshop with Institut Somum and Plan Bleu as part of the Amidex Proteus project.

This course examines the principles, history and injunctions of public policies to set up Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), the diversity of governance methods for conserving coastal and maritime biodiversity, actions to manage fishing or recreational activities (e.g. light anchorage areas for boats), and the questioned effectiveness of MPAs.

-Understanding the diversity of MPA governance methods
-Identify the strengths and weaknesses of MPAs
-Be critical of coastal and ocean conservation policies
-Understand the role of indigenous peoples in MPA management

General theoretical input on the geography of coastal and ocean conservation and learning through case studies : TD, workshop, field trip

assessment methods: continuous assessment (3 marks).
mark 1: 30%
mark 2: oral = 30%
mark 3 : report : 40%
(december 17, 2024: oral presentation)

Zorondo-Rodríguez F., Díaz M., Simonetti-Grez G., Simonetti J.-A., 2019, « Why would new protected areas be accepted or rejected by the public?: Lessons from an ex-ante evaluation of the new Patagonia Park Network in Chile », Land Use Policy, 89, p. 104248. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landusepol.2019.104248.
Beuret et Cadoret, 2024, Aires Marines Protégées : vaines promesses et vraies enjeux, PUR, 380p.
Laslaz L., Cadoret A., Milian J., 2020, Atlas des espaces protégés en France : des territoires en partage ? Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle.
McGinlay J., Jones N., Malesios C., Dimitrakopoulos P.-G, BegleyA., Berzborn S., Botsch K., et al. 2023, « Exploring local public support for protected areas: What social factors influence stated and active support among local people? » Environmental Science & Policy 145, 250 61. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsci.2023.04.003.
Maxwell S. L., Cazalis V., Dudley N., Hoffmann M., Rodrigues A. S. L., Stolton S., Visconti P., Woodley S., Maron M., Strassburg B. B. N., Wenger A., Jonas H. D., Venter O., Watson J. E. M., 2020, « Area-Based Conservation in the 21st Century », Preprints 2020, https://doi.org/10.20944/preprints202001.0104.v1